Monday, May 9, 2011

U.S. Tries to Assassinate U.S. Citizen Anwar Al-Awlaki

Link to article

Without even getting into the fact that Awlaki was visiting the Pentagon months after 9/11...

Bush administration Constitution-shredding was nothing compared to this!  The same can be said here with the attempted assassination of Awlaki as with the "successful" assassination of Osama bin Photoshopped.  This global war on terror will never be won, but one way we can show we are better than our supposed enemy is by standing by our political values (i.e. - trial by jury of peers, due process, etc.).  Hunting these people down & killing them in cold blood makes us no better than all the people our dear leaders tell us to hate.

I really believe we would have been in the 2nd American Revolution had McCain won, but they put the intelligent liberal in & everyone falls back into the drug/media/education-induced slumber.

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