Monday, February 6, 2012

Ron Paul: 2008 vs. 2012 Primaries

I'm going to go out on a limb here.  Ron Paul won Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada, but his numbers were suppressed enough to give Mittens a victory (or Santorum in the case of the Iowa "recount").  I do not have facts to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, but I have plenty of suspicion to at least warrant an investigation.

The GOP has officially announced that the Iowa Caucus will never be certified because they LOST 8 precincts (many of which were in college towns - Ron Paul does well with the young voters...hmmm).

90% of New Hampshire's votes were counted on electronic machines that are easily hackable without any trace of a hack.  Dr. Paul was polling very close to Romney in New Hampshire, but ended up in a distant 2nd place.

And now we have Nevada where more ballots were cast then registered voters in some precincts and it took over a day to count Clark County - a county where Ron Paul was polling very well.  The one precinct they had live on CNN showed Dr. Paul winning with over 50% of the vote.  The rest of the county has been counted behind closed doors.

For those of you who think Dr. Paul is unelectable - you are buying into the propaganda perpetrated in collusion by the GOP and corporate media.  He is electable, but the GOP will keep him down through election fraud unless we speak out about it in VERY large numbers.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm an Obama supporter, I think you are right, there are way too many red flags in Iowa and Nevada, and it does indeed appear that Ron Paul was robbed in a massive voter fraud. All Americans should be offended by this and speak up about it because it's against democracy.
