Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Call to Mobilize Against the NDAA in New Jersey

Attention New Jersey Residents,

I need your help!

I met with State Senator Anthony Bucco to inform him of the concerns civil libertarians, like myself, have with the language of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 - specifically the idea that the United States military can be used to arrest or detain American citizens indefinitely during the War on Terror.  This is in stark contrast to the Amendments dealing with a person's right to a fair trial and the vagueness of the law can prove to be stifling to free speech and assembly in this country.

I suggested three plans of action:
  1. A resolution would indicate New Jersey's dislike of the law.
  2. A noncompliance act would tell D.C. that we would not follow it.
  3. A nullification act would make enforcement of the NDAA illegal in the state.
We have seen Virginia pass a noncompliance act and seven other states have introduced various anti-NDAA legislation.  I am hoping New Jersey can become number eight, but we all need to contact our state representatives to have our voices heard.  Find your state rep by selecting your municipality here.  Email your state senator and let them know that you would support legislation in New Jersey that would condemn the National Defense Authorization Act.

For more information on the unconstitutionality of the NDAA:

Naomi Wolf: The NDAA: A Clear And Present Danger to American Liberty

Glen Greenwald: Three Myths About the Detention Bill

Chris Hedges: Why I Am Suing Barack Obama

People's Campaign for the Constitution

Track Liberty Preservation Act Progress

1 comment:

  1. Chris, thank you! Here's the 3 part model legislation that everyone can forward/deliver to our representatives, urging them to introduce and pass! The "Liberty Preservation Act"
